Drake and Josh Wiki

Sometimes watching all episodes of the show is more than you expect, like Drake Bell getting arrested for child abuse or Josh Peck having a good time with Turner and Hooch. So today, I've decided that I should make some episode rankings in a scale of 1-10 with my thoughts for each. 1 means worst and 10 means best. This time, I will be doing Season 1 and 2. Season 3 and 4 coming soon.

Season 1[]

  • Pilot (8) - Having one step between Drake and Josh is more quirky, smart, and dimwitted. They always became brothers everytime. Not to mention about having a dinner date or practicing karate, it's quite fun as it seems.
  • Dune Buggy (4) - What Drake had ever noticed about is that he tried to use the repaired dune buggy. And punishment is getting too early as it seems.
  • Believe Me, Brother (9) - The whole problem on the school project is between Susan and "idiocy". Both Drake and Josh nearly got their grades failed all because Megan was responsible for all the stunts she caused. "Oh, Megan!"
  • Two Idiots and a Baby (7) - No matter how babysitting when it comes to between the boys. After all, their skills are quite real and funny especially when it comes to it.
  • First Crush (6) - Performing at the cafe is (almost) good, having a crush with Cathy would make it more worse. Only if snakes were involved.
  • Grammy (7) - Maybe I guess sneaking in without passes could possibly be inspiring Drake Bell's arrest. And old people like Grammy Nichols can play a basketball, yet it was just exciting.

Season 2[]

  • The Bet (3) - How bad can those boys get punished by Audrey if Megan organized for betting? This question could be possible to fans whether they get addicted or not.
  • Guitar (8) - If only going to a concert and looking at an autograph guitar after winning a contest was a bad idea. Just because Drake wanted to perform doesn't mean it would, did he?
  • Movie Job (5) - Getting a promotion at a movie theatre is much interested as it gets. Especially when future Spencer Shay show up.
  • Football (10) - What Josh wanted to be cool is by joining the football team. Only to realize Megan's actions had done it again. This time, the soil on the brownie mix.
  • Pool Shark (6) - The debut appearances of Craig and Eric were okay. At least, billiards were being ridiculous when you got to some bars or anything.
  • Smart Girl (7) - Sometimes decathlon is harder than you expect when you encounter a lovely lady and sometimes pranks are extremely funnier as Josh wanted Megan to pay with.
  • Little Diva (2) - Why? These boys had nothing else to do with "her".
  • Blues Brothers (10) - The talent show at the Premier Theatre is what Drake and Josh wanted it. Too bad, the embarrassment at the weather report was haunted by the ghost of Megan's voice.
  • Driver's License (8) - Unlike Dune Buggy, the boys needed their licenses. But acting as some were ridiculously difficult.
  • Number 1 Fan (7) - Megan and her scouts wanted Josh to take care of them. Wendy on the other hand listened to Drake's wonderful song while rescheduling.
  • Mean Teacher (5) - How could Mrs. Hayfer saw Drake dating "her"? If only Josh wanted to find out why.
  • The Gary Grill (10) - Sometimes getting a grill from a celebrity like the Motor Mouth is much easier for the boys to get arrested for good. At least they were free.
  • Drew & Jerry (1) - What is this? A look-alike? Not what I expected.
  • Honor Council (6) - Oh man! Drake would never like this if he was just guilty or not. Luckily, Mindy needed some advice. (I should mind that Addie Singer makes an appearance in this one before making her own show.)

So there you have it. The Season 1 and 2 episode scale. I hope you guys liked it. Next time I will be doing season 3 and 4. Peace!
