Drake and Josh Wiki
Steven Upshaw (Crazy Steve)
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Character Statistics
Gender: Male
Birthday: January 21, 1977
Height: 6'5"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Lives In: San Diego, California
Employment: Employee at The Premiere theatre
Friends: Drake Parker
Josh Nichols
Megan Parker
Helen Dubois
Craig Ramirez (Sometimes)
Eric Blonowitz (Sometimes)
Mindy Crenshaw
Production Info
Portrayed by: Jerry Trainor
First Appearance: Movie Job
Last Appearance: Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh

Steven William Upshaw (more commonly known as Crazy Steve) is a mentally disturbed employee of The Premiere Theatre. He made his first appearance in the season 2 episode, Movie Job.


At first, he quits his job (in "Movie Job") and gives it to Josh because of a complaint about a loose cup holder but returns later in Seasons 3 and 4 as an employee again for unknown reasons, likely because of his handicap and state law coverage to be re-employed. He has lots of strange problems, such as extreme anger issues. It can be assumed in "Really Big Shrimp" because of his father he had a rough childhood. He likes watching Dora the Explorer ("The Storm") and the song "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain" calms him down. He also is never scheduled to work on Mondays because those are his "bad days" as revealed in "Really Big Shrimp". Mindy once scheduled him to work on Mondays, not knowing that Mondays are his bad days, and exclaims "Crazy Steve's gone berserk!", before he comes out all goofy and says "Cocka doodle doo, the cow says moo!" In Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh, it is revealed that he has a woodchipper named Sally and gets angry when people refer to her as "it". He is shown to act normal when he talks to some characters like Audrey.

It is also implied that his problems may have gotten him into legal trouble. In The Storm, Helen had to invite Steve to Josh's party for Drake's concert because the last time he was not invited to an event, such as Helen's niece's bar mitzvah, he got so angry and slashed the tires of the attendee's vehicles. Additionally, in Really Big Shrimp, when Helen announces of a new Assistant Manager, she describes that a qualification included for the person is "not having a criminal record," which made Steve yelled angrily in disappointment. When he was scheduled to work on his bad day and goes berserk, Helen was planning to call the SWAT team had Josh not stepped up to calm him down.

Helen mentions about him at the end of the Victorious episode, "Helen Back Again". Crazy Steve appears again in the Sam and Cat episode #SuperPsycho where he is seen residing in Peter Sinai Hospital, although not physically portrayed by Jerry Trainor, and instead by Matt Little with Jerry Trainor voicing the character.


Season 2

Season 3

Season 4



  • In the movie, Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh, he drove a DeLorean with a license plate that said "CRAZY!" at the Christmas parade. When he drove away in it, the license plate falls off and spins before falling flat on the ground, referencing to the 1985 sci-fi movie Back to the Future.
  • Also, he calls prison "heavy", something that Marty McFly would say a lot in the films.
  • He likes to watch Dora the Explorer on TV even though the channel is unknown as seen in The Storm.
  • Monday is his "bad day."
  • It's unknown what makes Crazy Steve so angry. He may have anger issues or trauma.
    • His anger issues have been implied to get him arrested before as he is yells in disappointment when Helen indirectly mentions it when talking about appointing an Assistant Manager.
    • Helen also mentions how he slashed people's tires at a Temple parking lot for not being invited to her niece's bar mitzvah.
    • Helen almost called the SWAT team when he was accidentally scheduled to work on his bad day by Mindy and went berserk, had Josh not calmed him down.
  • He was mentioned by Helen in the Victorious episode "Helen Back Again".
  • He likes Galaxy Wars, as seen in "Battle of Panthatar".
    • Coincidentally, his character from iCarly, Spencer Shay, is also a fan of Galaxy Wars.
  • Jerry Trainor later plays Spencer Shay from iCarly, teaming up with Miranda Cosgrove as Carly Shay.
  • He has the same middle name as his portrayer (Jerry Trainor) which is William.
  • Crazy Steve and Jerry Trainor have the same birthday and the same birthplace.
  • He makes two cameo appearances in the Sam & Cat special, "SuperPsycho."
  • The song, "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain", calms him down, though no one knows why. The song mentioned here was heard from The Magic School Bus episode, For Lunch which educates children about the human body in a scientific manner of educational TV in case you didn't know that beforehand. Note that Miss. Frizzle (voiced by Lily Tomlin) sang it in the scene where she and her students from Walkerville Elementary School are riding their scooters while wearing some weird protective gear when they go on a field trip through Arnold's body on the show.
  • He performed the most work when he was tracking down Ick Glockmah in "We're Married?" for 5 hours.
  • In the 1986 show "ALF", there is a minor character of the same name. Dan Schneider who was born in 1966, so the writers must have watched this series in the episode "Prime Time".
    • The quote in that episode is something like ALF saying "Just a minute. I wanna watch Crazy Steve tear that drumstick off that tarantula."
  • Jerry Trainor and Miranda Cosgrove don't interact in Drake and Josh. They rarely have any scenes together.
  • Crazy Steve's hair is much longer in the episode Movie Job and Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh on other Drake & Josh media because Jerry Trainor needed to grow out his hair to play Spencer in iCarly.
  • Crazy Steve is 12 years older than Drake and Josh.